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Cari Blog Ini

1 Prove Your Expertise

7 Simple Ways to Write Google & Blogger Policy Compliant Blog Posts

1. Prove Your Expertise

Avoid potential accusations of spreading misinformation: cite credible sources to back up your claims.

2. Avoid Making Dangerous, False, or Misleading Claims

Your content shouldn't encourage readers to engage in activities likely to cause physical or mental harm or property damage. Cite qualified experts to support your information and refrain from stating subjective opinions as facts.

3. Avoid Spammy Link Building

Don't try to manipulate search rankings by creating several sites or pages of low-quality links. It will hurt you in the long run and turn off readers who don't appreciate manipulative sales tactics.

4. Create Original Content

Don't copy content from other sites; Google will penalize sites with duplicate content.

5. Avoid Paid Links

Don't promote products or services in your posts unless the affiliation is clear and marked as an advertisement. This protects your readers from being misled and keeps Google from thinking you're trying to fool them.

6. Use Proper Keywords

Use relevant keywords in your content that pertain to your niche: don't overdo it or Google may think you're spamming.

7. Write Posts That Are At Least 2,000 Words

Write long-form content over 2,000 words. More content gives Google more clues to rank you and helps you dominate the SERPs.
