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Logan Capital Management Reduced Its Stake In Mirion Technologies

Mirion Technologies Inc MIR Stock Drops

Logan Capital Management reduced its stake in Mirion Technologies

LLC cut its stake in shares of Mirion Technologies Inc NYSEMIR - Free Report by 73 during the first quarter.

Logan Capital Management LLC reduced its stake in Mirion Technologies Inc. (NYSE:MIR) by 73.0% during the first quarter, according to the company's most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 10,250 shares of the company's stock after selling 23,250 shares during the quarter. Logan Capital Management LLC's holdings in Mirion Technologies were worth $1,025,000 at the end of the quarter.

Several other hedge funds and institutional investors have recently made changes to their Mirion Technologies positions. Renaissance Technologies LLC bought a new stake in Mirion Technologies in the first quarter, valued at approximately $713,000. Millennium Management LLC increased its stake in Mirion Technologies by 10.2% during the first quarter. Millennium Management LLC now owns 286,071 shares of the company's stock, valued at $28,567,000. Citadel Advisors LLC increased its stake in Mirion Technologies by 4.8% during the first quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC now owns 1,197,122 shares of the company's stock, valued at $119,712,000. Point72 Asset Management L.P. bought a new stake in Mirion Technologies in the first quarter, valued at approximately $2,391,000. Finally, Jane Street Group LLC bought a new stake in Mirion Technologies in the first quarter, valued at approximately $9,335,000.

Institutional investors and hedge funds collectively own 86.14% of the company's outstanding shares.
